Start to scale. Startup and Scale-up Founder Stories.
Showcasing the vibrant Dutch entrepreneurial ecosystem - and our journey to support the startup and scale-up founders responsible. Hosted by Lars Crama, edited by Lisette Braakenburg.
Start to scale. Startup and Scale-up Founder Stories.
Arctic Reflections founder Fonger Ypma on his bold mission to slow down global warming
Fonger Ypma
Season 3
Episode 41
Fonger is an experienced leader in the energy sector. He obtained his PhD in mathematics and physics at Oxford University, after which he worked as a strategy consultant and McKinsey and as head of a Eneco Smart Energy Lab. Since then, he was the CEO of Brainbay, and a cofounder of Blockheating - the scale-up that recycles data center energy.
In this episode, we'll cover the following topics:
- His rather bold mission to slow down global warming
- The difference between Corporate venturing and a running a startup
- The hard part about climate tech
Links mentioned:
- People: Fonger Ypma, Boyan Slat, Menno van Dijk, Dirk van den Berg, Peter Molenaar
- Companies: Arctic Reflections, Eneco, Brainbay, Blockheating, The Ocean Cleanup, Scaleup Nation, Protect Our Winters
- Other: www.hackyourcareer.com
- Media: Cold as Ice - Foreigner