Start to scale. Startup and Scale-up Founder Stories.
Showcasing the vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem of Rotterdam - and our journey to support the startup and scale-up founders responsible. Hosted by Lars Crama, edited by Lisette Braakenburg. (Buma Stemra licence 10682974)
Start to scale. Startup and Scale-up Founder Stories.
Philips Innovation Award Special: learn about nature inclusive development and how to make the most of a competition like PHIA.
November 13, 2023
Season 3
Episode 48
In this episode I speak with Auke Bleij, Founder of Respyre - the fascinating startup that helps cities turn green through a special concrete that holds moss. Respyre is a spin-off from Delft Technical University, on a mission to create greener cities through the application of mosses. You hold a Master in Construction Management from that same University.
We'll cover the following topics:
- Auke’s entrepreneurial journey
- nature inclusive development and
- how to make the most of a competition like PHIA.
Links mentioned:
- People: Auke Bleij, Mark de Kruijff, Matthijs Jaspers, Adil Aarouss, Eveline van der Pluijm, Timo Vonk, Jorn Douwstra, Lola van Hunnik
- Companies: Respyre, Philips Innovation Award, TU Delft, The Happy Activist, PON, NS
- Other: Sigma Squared, Building “The Valley” on the Amsterdam Zuidas, Sting - Englishman in New York, Register for PHIA
- Media: Article Quote: Auke Bleij Innovatiefste Student van Nederland