Start to scale. Startup and Scale-up Founder Stories.
Showcasing the vibrant Dutch entrepreneurial ecosystem - and our journey to support the startup and scale-up founders responsible. Hosted by Lars Crama, edited by Lisette Braakenburg. (Buma Stemra licence 10682974)
Start to scale. Startup and Scale-up Founder Stories.
How to clean the ocean with oyster reefs, with Oyster Heaven CEO George Birch
Season 3
Episode 49
With a background in biology and a passion for environmental conservation, George embarked on a unique journey that led him from asset management to the world of oyster reef restoration.
After completing this MBA from Rotterdam School of Management, he founded Oyster Heaven - on a mission to make marine regeneration financially sustainable.
We'll cover the following topics:
- Cleaning the ocean with oyster reefs;
- How To Make Ecosystem Regeneration Profitable
- What George is up to in his freetime
Links mentioned:
- People: George Birch, Shawn Harris, Guus Meijer, Elissa Glorie, Philip Roos,
- Companies: Oyster Heaven, Rotterdam School of Management, BlueCity, Orange Wings, Generous Minds
- Media: Oyster Heaven: the most scalable way to regrow lost oyster reefs, Book: Rachel Carson - Silent Spring, Alice Coltrane - Turiya and Ramakrishna