Start to scale. Startup and Scale-up Founder Stories.

The opportunities in a $1 trillion Augmented Reality market with Joris Biskop, founder and CEO of AddOptics

November 24, 2023 Joris Biskop Season 3 Episode 50

Joris Biskop is the former CTO of Luxexcel, 3d printing lens specialist, which was recently acquired by Meta for €400 million. Based on his insights there, he founded Addoptics, of which he is now the CEO. Addoptics is a smart manufacturer of optics, serving an impressive list of customers worldwide from their office in Rotterdam.

We'll cover the following topics:

  • The opportunities in a 1 trillion Augmented Reality market;
  • Pivoting from niche prototype production to scalability;
  • The pro’s and cons of taking investors on board;

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